Tuesday, January 5, 2010

It's time to be self suficient!

We can't hardly achieve freedom without first becoming self sufficient! As time goes on its become more clear that we need to be prepared for the worst! Did you know that FEMA has been given permission from congress to seize food from your property if there is a shortage? Why would congress now be thinking of a food shortage? Well the answer is simple, the economy is falling, its below freezing in parts like Florida, and the cost of living is growing at an alarming rate! All of these things and more are reason enough to get prepared while you can. The fact that the FEMA can take food from your property is severely alarming. We're gonna have to hide our own crops that we spent time and money growing? If this isn't alarming to you yet I think time will show us more. If you think the economy is getting better for 2010, think again. The freezing temps in Florida is going to be destroying much of their fruit crops, which will hurt jobs and profits and overall the economy. We all need to get better informed and that is my primary goal right now. I am working on knowing whats going on in this world, I mean its fairly easy to do so, just look around. I am also working at learning to be self suffiecent. I am done wanting anything from this government. I believe in freedom and freedom isn't taking someone else's money or food, it's making a living on your own. I recommend visiting homesteaders.com, they have some really great info on becoming more self sufficient. Please America, become informed. I hear all the time from people that they dislike the governments actions, but so many people don't know why. It's time to stand up for ourselves and stop taking crap from those who don't hold our family values and morals.

Monday, January 4, 2010

How Do We Fix What is So Badly Broken?

I'm creating this blog in the hope of finding others who share the same feelings. I live in a small town, and I am definitely feeling the effects of the economic "meltdown". They say it's getting better, but everything I see shows it getting worse, much worse. I feel confident that there are others who are experiencing the very same downturns as I am. As it gets worse for myself and those around me, I wonder, what are we to do about this? Is there anything we can do to fix this situation? I can't help but think a lot of it has to do with our hard earned money, going to the wrong places and people. We pay taxes to fix our roads and schools, and help our elderly and our soldiers. However, our roads are still full of potholes and our school's are failing fast! It's sickening to me, to watch someone who is perfectly capable of doing something for this society, and yet is only living off their couch and collecting our tax money from welfare. There is too much in this world that does not make sense anymore, and it's high time others who feel the same come and speak out. I truly believe there is enough people who realize what is wrong, we just haven't rallied together. I am not necessarily into the political scene, but I am very interested in hearing what others have to say. There have been countless predictions of an upcoming revolution. I know that sounds crazy and extreme but its time the working class, who make this country go round, take back what we work so hard for and make it good again! Take back whats ours, out of the hands of corrupt leaders and failing institutions. I'll be honest I'm just a young adult who has a lot to learn, but I know when enough is enough, and the time is now!